Port of Gelves


The Gelves Marina is located upriver, three kilometres from the fork to the Seville lock. Only 89 kilometres separate it from Sanlúcar de Barrameda and the Atlantic Ocean. The sailor can access it without the need to cross locks or bridges and enjoy a magnificent natural environment where you can find native bird species, mostly protected by the environment of Doñana, one of the most important natural parks in Europe. Puerto Gelves offers its customers a whole series of services typical of this type of facility at very affordable prices and within enviable facilities. One of its main attractions is its travel lift or crane capable of launching and beaching boats of up to 25 tonnes. Its facilities include a hydraulic trolley for moving vessels within its large dry marina. Its dredge also allows it to enjoy an adequate draught all year round. Its own physical characteristics also make it one of the safest ports in our country, as has already been demonstrated on numerous occasions, not only because of the security camera surveillance system, but also because of the calm waters of the Guadalquivir that shelter it. Puerto Gelves has the capacity to accommodate more than 300 boats and has become the most important wintering port in our community. Throughout the year, it also welcomes numerous tourists who find it an ideal place to spend long periods of time checking their boats, while they discover the attractions offered by the capital of Andalusia, the province of Seville and other nearby areas.
For more than a decade, it has also had a motorhome parking area with a privileged location on the jetty of the port, which offers views of both the harbour and the Guadalquivir River, of extraordinary beauty. Its proximity to the aforementioned Doñana National Park allows it to offer its visitors the chance to watch birds such as grey herons, egrets, eagles, kites, mallard ducks, coots, etc. In addition to its own services, Puerto Gelves also offers external services. Among them are several nautical academies that give classes to obtain both recreational and professional qualifications. It also houses in its premises companies and professionals dedicated to offering tourist charters to companies, students and all types of clients. Its facilities and surroundings make Puerto Gelves the ideal place to learn, practice and professionalise diving sports and other disciplines such as sea rescue. Another of its attractions is a second-hand market, open all year round, where the nautical sector is present. The Second-hand Boat Fair and the Nautical Market have also recently been revived. These events aim to boost the sector and provide a service to both clients and enthusiasts in the area. Puerto Gelves has the honour of having promoted the organisation of the 1st ANDALUSIAN BOAT FAIR, which was held annually from 1995 to 2008. Subsequently, its XIV and XV editions were held in 2018 and 2019. This fair is characterised by the fact that, in addition to the sale and purchase of new and second-hand boats, it offers its thousands of visitors an extensive programme of interesting leisure and sporting activities. These include the Miss and Mister Port Gelves beauty pageants, and the presentation of the Golden Badge of Puerto Gelves Awards to the most outstanding nautical sportsmen and women in Andalusia, as well as the annual awarding of the “Cornamusa” by its workers to people from various fields for their involvement with Puerto Gelves. This port has also hosted a variety of events such as sporting competitions (rowing, canoeing, water skiing, jet skiing, …), as well as Craft Fairs, Medieval Fairs, and the Gastronomic Fair of the River and the Sea, River and Flavour (between 2015 and 2019). This event will be resumed after the break caused by the pandemic.

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