Municipal Park “Los Manantiales”


This large green area owes its name to the waters that flow naturally and ancestrally from the subsoil of the land where it is located: the cornice of the Aljarafe. Immersed in the heart of the town centre, it offers visitors a park with springs and a wide variety of spaces and environments.


The enormous slopes of the terrain led to the construction of a large waterfall that flows into the pools into which the springs have been redirected. Another characteristic feature is the existence of a large grassy meadow and an attractive eucalyptus grove, where you can stroll and enjoy nature in its purest state.

Thanks to the winding and winding paths that run through it, it has been used as a venue for various sporting competitions. The hand of man can only be seen in the replanting and care of autochthonous species, the cleanliness and the placement of urban furniture, so necessary for the greater enjoyment of the citizens.

Water is the main protagonist, with a large number of ditches, pools, canals crossed by bridges, as well as a drinking fountain in the central part.

Its vegetation is full of wild species such as olive trees, poppies, jaramago and “vinagritos”, which gives an idea of its excellent state of natural conservation. As for the animal species, they are typical of anthropised areas, although it is worth mentioning the large number of butterflies, giving the cornice an important zoological diversity.

You can enjoy barbecues, picnic areas, a children’s play area and even a kiosk-bar.

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