Flamenco Cultural Association “Alto de la Fuente de Gelves”


Flamenco Cultural Association “Alto de la Fuente de Gelves” was founded in 2012 for strictly artistic and cultural purposes. The aim is to promote flamenco art in all its facets, encourage its hobby, its teaching and its study, to preserve its roots and essences. The main artistic activity of the Peña is the organization of the “Flamenco Encounters” which normally take place on the first Friday of each month. They have been scheduled since the year of its foundation and have made this Association a benchmark for flamenco in the province of Seville. La Peña is affiliated with the Seville Provincial Federation of Flamenco Entities, and has also hosted performances by artists included in the Provincial Delegation’s circuit. This unique artistic enclave is highly regarded among Flemish artists. The great respect of the public, the welcoming facilities, the pleasant atmosphere for their performances… All this invites them to return.

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